“Should I Buy Fireball Island” Flowchart

Tell me, friend: Are you BORED of traditional poetry? Have you grown TIRED of rhyme, meter, and verse? Do you sometimes FLY into howling rages and embark upon methamphetamine-fueled, multistate child-disembowelment sprees upon discovering poetry books on your bookshelf? If so, then listen closely, because I’m about to share a revolutionary, lifechanging product that will […]
As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been an Idea Man. I don’t mean this in a business sense, I literally mean that I am a human who possesses both an X and a Y chromosome and occasionally formulates thoughts and opinions about various things. An Idea Man. For example, I was able […]
A while ago I build a standup comedian robot who has the ability to tell great jokes. Here is his latest set. Sorry it’s all in caps but it is the way robots write. Hope you like great jokes. COMEDY INTRO GREETINGS HUMANS. WERE I ABLE TO EXPERIENCE THE EMOTION KNOWN AS PLEASURE, MY BEING […]
Depending on who you ask, the growing popularity of “Top 10” articles on the internet is either A. The surest proof that humankind is becoming steadily dumber and a troubling harbinger of the coming Idiocracy, or B. Pretty neat because they are fun and looking at numbered things is easier than reading words in […]
I’ve never quite understood people who claim to get “bored”. If you’ve got even a little bit of money, there’s no end to all the pointless crap you can buy to entertain yourself, and even the working poor should seemingly be kept busy (and so be saved from boredom) by their constant struggle to survive […]