
Review: Girlscout Cookies

I’m going to say something that I’m pretty sure has never been said before: Girlscout cookies are highly overrated. I’m not saying they’re bad, in fact I don’t mind eating them at all. As far as cookies go, I’d even rate most of them as slightly above average. But OH NO, that’s not NEARLY good […]


Animal Awards: Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs count as animals, don’t they? I’m fairly sure they do. Well, it doesn’t really matter because I’m just about to call out the worst of them. Animals or not, some dinosaurs are about to be pissed off. I don’t even care either; I’m tough. I tell it like it is, and if some random […]


Cheesy Catalog Review: Home Trends

I recently picked up this catalog at my grandma’s house. I’m not exactly sure what the theme of it is supposed to be. The cover claims that the publishers are “The Home Cleaning Experts”, so I thought it might be selling cleaning supplies, but then I looked inside and I couldn’t really find any cleaning […]


Gun Safety: I Invite You To Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

How much do you know about guns? Probably a lot, right? I wouldn’t be surprised if that was your answer, even if it isn’t true. There’s no shame in it, but it’s important to know one’s limitations. Especially when it comes to guns. In many respects, using a gun is similar to having sex: You […]


Animal Awards: Pigs

Alright, let’s be completely honest here: This is no longer a series dedicated to recognizing the achievements of animals. This is not by design; it’s just the way it happened to play out. See, animals (even fictional ones) almost never do anything worthwhile. What’s the point of commending the best of the worst? There isn’t […]


Sainted/Tainted: Heart Attacks & Ren Fest

What would the world be like if we only did good things for others? Would it be a better place to live? These are the questions I often ask myself as I callously brush past a homeless person on the street or gleefully cut someone off in heavy traffic. I never seem to get an […]


The Baron’s Guide to Slang

By Martin “The Baron” Russmier Recently I paid a visit to my local electronics store. After browsing for a short time, I approached one of the employees, a young urban youth (he was white in case you’re planning to call me a racialist) to ask if they carried the boxed set of the original Batman […]


Worthless Guide to Monsters: Bigfoot

It’s surprising how many people actually believe in Bigfoot. They believe that he exists, they believe actual recordings have been made of him, and many of them claim to have seen him snowboarding in the mountains or something. And while the vast majority of these claims are likely just the insane ramblings of pie-eyed Catskill […]


Animal Awards 3: Mice

The history books are filled with famous mice and rats. Well maybe not the REAL history books. The television and film history books probably are though. But here’s an interesting question for you: Does the fact that these famous rodents are fictional make them any less important in our modern society? I would assume the […]


Sainted/Tainted: Speeders & Harry Potter

Oftentimes I laugh aloud as I read the Sainted/Tainted portion of the newspaper. I think this is because I am a bad person. I enjoy seeing ordinary people’s petty annoyances and meaningless good deeds splayed across the page as if they are somehow important. I laugh because they are not. I laugh and I laugh […]


The Baron’s Guide to Bullying: 2

By Martin “The Baron” Russmier A bully can hurt others in many ways. They can damage someone emotionally (with harsh words or deeds), but they can also damage them physically. I’ve had my share of run-ins with bullies. I’m ashamed to admit that in my lifetime I’ve been “beaten up” more times than I can […]


Animal Awards 2: Bears

Within the animal kingdom I have to assume bears are seen as somewhat of a success story (at least when it comes to show business). I bet you can’t even think of a single television program, business, or radio show which doesn’t prominently feature a bear in some way. Go ahead and try. I’ll wait. […]