
Junk Food Mascots: A Dissertation

I guess some corporations think it’s good business to use “food mascots” to sell their products to children. Is this type of marketing really effective? I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I find most food mascots to be distressing. For example: Why exactly did a room full of advertising executives decide […]


Wedding Tips For Grooms

In honor of National Weddings Week (not actually a thing) I decided to do some research on the rules and regulations for the game of marriage to share with my reader(s). After several seconds of careful searching, I came across an article called 20 Top Tips for Grooms Who Want To Get it Right. Here’s […]


Worthless Guide to Survival – Part 2: Jungles

By Henry The Jungles of the world may seem like a lively and fun place to visit, but they can seem cold and uninviting when you are lost inside one. This is part 2 of my survival series, and here I will give you the inside scoop on how you can survive being lost in […]


Worthless Guide to Survival – Part 1: Bears

By Henry Hey survival enthusiasts! So you think you want to survive huh? Well reading this series of guides is certainly the way to get started. I am by no means a survival expert, but I have seen every episode of Man vs Wild, and also Survivorman. Please join me as I take you through […]


Random Object Reviews

By Kevin On this page I will review random items I find sitting around the house. That’s it.


Worthless Guide to Drugs Part 1: The Classics

By Henry Drugs have got a bad reputation, but I’m not sure why. Think about it: what’s the worst thing a drug has ever done? Destroyed a family? Allowed a person to hold a stimulating conversation with a mop? Caused a person’s death? These are all relatively unimportant things when you come right down to […]




True History of Game Consoles: Part 3

Hello! Part I: Here. Part II: Here. Part III:  Down Below…


True History of Game Consoles: Part 2

In  Part I of  this series I covered a bunch of old-timey consoles, and probably some other stuff too. Honestly I can’t really remember what I wrote about in it. I’m sure not gonna read that garbage again to find out either. In Part II (that would be the part you’re reading now), I’ve got […]


True History of Game Consoles: Part 1

Have you ever…Hurled a Playstation 2 controller in frustration? Kicked your Super Nintendo across the room after losing to a particularly cheap boss? Become so utterly enraged at a Dreamcast game that you snapped the disc into shards and began gingerly slicing at your arms with them while rocking back and forth and weeping softly? […]

Junk List Uncategorized

Presidential Fun Facts

The Ministry of Information The US Presidents: A group of manipulative and delusional humans who lead the United States of America during the dark period before the Ministry was created. But how many citizens truly know anything pertinent about these men? The answer: None. It has been reported that when asked about which historical US […]


Quest for Time Part 1: The Idea

By The Baron Ahoy again fellow dragonslayers! And welcome to The Baron’s column of blighting! In today’s column I will be talking about the online RPG game I am developing. Another name for online role playing games is MMORPG (multiperson-on-line-role-playing-game). The MMORPG game which I am creating is called Quest For Time. It will undoubtedly […]