What follows is a list of ridiculous and puzzling titles given to various Episodes of The Jerry Springer Show. NOTICE:
I do not watch (nor do I advocate the watching of) Jerry Springer. I
only feel that it is my duty as an American Citizen to create lists of
television show titles as a sort of preservatorial archive in order to
assure that that they are available to future generations of people who
might want to disinterestedly peruse a list of mildly entertaining
Jerry Springer show titles.
No thanks is necessary. Helping others is reward enough for me.
I do not watch (nor do I advocate the watching of) Jerry Springer. I
only feel that it is my duty as an American Citizen to create lists of
television show titles as a sort of preservatorial archive in order to
assure that that they are available to future generations of people who
might want to disinterestedly peruse a list of mildly entertaining
Jerry Springer show titles.
No thanks is necessary. Helping others is reward enough for me.
What follows is a list of ridiculous and puzzling titles given to various Episodes of The Jerry Springer Show. NOTICE:
I do not watch (nor do I advocate the watching of) Jerry Springer. I
only feel that it is my duty as an American Citizen to create lists of
television show titles as a sort of preservatorial archive in order to
assure that that they are available to future generations of people who
might want to disinterestedly peruse a list of mildly entertaining
Jerry Springer show titles.
No thanks is necessary. Helping others is reward enough for me.
I do not watch (nor do I advocate the watching of) Jerry Springer. I
only feel that it is my duty as an American Citizen to create lists of
television show titles as a sort of preservatorial archive in order to
assure that that they are available to future generations of people who
might want to disinterestedly peruse a list of mildly entertaining
Jerry Springer show titles.
No thanks is necessary. Helping others is reward enough for me.
The “Oh, Stop Bragging!” Award
3rd Place
I Live in a Box
2nd Place
My Grandma is a Pimp
1st Place
I’m Happy I Cut Off My Legs
The “Sounds a Like Bad Atari 2600 Game” Award
1st Place
Dwarf’s Revenge

The “Not Again!” Award
3rd Place
I’m Leaving You For a Hermaphrodite
2nd Place
I’m Pregnant By a Giant Transsexual
1st Place
He’s Possessed By a Gay Demon
The “Family Values” Award
2nd Place
I’m in Love With My Daughter
1st Place
Mom, Will You Marry Me?

The “Most Unfortunate Choice of Words” Award
1st Place
Gays Erupt
The “Southern Pride” Award
2nd Place
5 People, 8 Dogs and One Trailer
1st Place
I’m A Breeder For The Klan

The “Most Likely To Draw In Viewers” Award
1st Place
Lesbians, Lesbians, Lesbians

The “Least Likely To Draw in Viewers” Award
1st Place
Hillbillies and Gay Men in Shorts
The “Title Which Should Probably Be Made Into A Greeting Card Or Something” Award
2nd Place
I Slept With Everyone in Your Family
1st Place
Thanks For The Kids… But Now I’m Gay

The “Title Which Inexplicably References a Classic Work Of Literature By William Faulkner” Award
1st Place
The Sound and The Fury