no denying it: Life can be tough. But never fear, I’m here to help with
this guide. Since you’re reading a “Guide to Life” from the beginning,
I’m going to assume you haven’t really lived yet. Are you a baby? If
you are, I guess someone must be reading this to you. That’s pointless.
Babies don’t even know what is going on, stop reading this to them. YYYYEEEAAAAAHHHHH! If you read that part, the baby probably started to cry just now. Serves you right.
yeah, I think all you babies out there would be pleased if you really
could understand this article. I think you would discover that your
future life is going to be a beautiful adventure. Haha, just kidding. I
bet it’s actually gonna be pretty bad. Man, you babies will believe
no denying it: Life can be tough. But never fear, I’m here to help with
this guide. Since you’re reading a “Guide to Life” from the beginning,
I’m going to assume you haven’t really lived yet. Are you a baby? If
you are, I guess someone must be reading this to you. That’s pointless.
Babies don’t even know what is going on, stop reading this to them. YYYYEEEAAAAAHHHHH! If you read that part, the baby probably started to cry just now. Serves you right.
yeah, I think all you babies out there would be pleased if you really
could understand this article. I think you would discover that your
future life is going to be a beautiful adventure. Haha, just kidding. I
bet it’s actually gonna be pretty bad. Man, you babies will believe
Being Born…

mostly hands-off. Once it’s time to go out, you’ll go. There isn’t much
of a choice involved here. Just try not to get that cord tangled around
anything important. Once you’re out, all you’ve got to do is squirm
around uselessly and loll your head without even opening your eyes.
wait. Don’t doctors hold babies upside-down and spank them when they’re
first born? Maybe that’s just in the movies. Well anyway, don’t be
surprised if that happens. Also, I was about to make a joke like: “Hey,
maybe spanking these babies is how doctors teach them to cry!” but then
I decided not to because it might’ve been from an old Family Circus I
once read and I didn’t want to infringe on any copyrighted jokes. Oh,
and also because it was really stupid.
Actually: Advice For Adults
know what, I’m sick of talking to you babies. I think I’m just going to
speak directly to the reader about how to care for a baby. That would
be more useful.
Dealing (With Crying)

cry. This is because they are ignorant and can’t even do anything
else. What, it’s true! You can’t even hold a decent conversation with a
baby; all they ever do is say “guuuh gug gug ppphhhbbbbtt slurp,” and
then crap themselves. It’s like a date with John Madden.
Babies cry about everything.
They are way too sensitive. They remind me a lot of this
emotionally-damaged girl I once went out with. She would cry every time
anything happened. Oooh, A sad catfood commercial came on TV. Waaah, I
accidentally spilled a carton of milk. Oh my god, I can’t believe you
slapped some girl’s butt when we were at the mall! Boo-Hoo, You
inexplicably threw a stapler at me and broke my nose! I swear it never
ended with this girl.
Routine Care & Maintenance!

bet babies are pretty easy to take care of. You can probably just leave
them alone on the floor most of the time while you perform different
jobs around the house. When you hear them crying you can go in there
and see what they want, but then again you might not be able to tell
what it is.
What I would do is if a baby ever cries, just go
ahead and fix everything it might’ve been crying about at once. So
change it’s diaper, give it a drink of soda, feed it a sandwich, pat
it’s back to burp it, let it pet the cat, change the TV station, make a
clicky shushing noise at it with your mouth, and set it back down on
the floor in the laundry room. Then you can go back outside and work on
your soap box racer.
it or not, babies are human. This means they can get sick (and even die
if you’re not careful), so you had better make sure to keep them
healthy. Honestly, I never really took care of any kids before and I’m
not familiar with basic medicine or disease prevention, but I’ve never
taken a sick day. So I think I know a thing or two about staying
Garbage Pail Kids

read somewhere that you are supposed to let babies play in soil or
dirt. This is so they can be exposed to a lot of germs and build up
their immune systems. It only seems logical then, for you to keep your
baby dirty.
Leave them outside in a garden or dumpster for a while,
dump some fat nightcrawlers from the bait shop on them, and let them
eat old toenails they find. Obviously it’s good for them. It said so in
a book.
Home Immunization
same idea holds true for various illnesses such as Hepatitis C, Chicken
Pox, and Pneumonia. I won’t tell you what to do, but hypothetically if
you infected your baby with all of these diseases deliberately (and
simultaneously to save time) they would be immune to them in the
future. Well, at least I think so. On second thought you probably want
to check with a doctor on that one.
I think that’s
more than enough information on how to take care of a baby. The most
important thing to remember is that babies are people too (just
shriveled worthless ones that will probably grow up to resent you).
Coming up next…Toddlers