So yeah, as I explained in the first article of this series, I got a friend of mine to agree
to undertake a private and possibly fictional study. Every few days he
would ingest a single illegal substance, head to work, and record what
happened. Here the results of his experiment with Heroin which I recovered from his diary after he had died from a massive heroin overdose.
So yeah, as I explained in the first article of this series, I got a friend of mine to agree
to undertake a private and possibly fictional study. Every few days he
would ingest a single illegal substance, head to work, and record what
happened. Here the results of his experiment with Heroin which I recovered from his diary after he had died from a massive heroin overdose.
Monday, September 8th
7:23 PM:
Mmmmmmm…just now I…unnnnhhhhh
white and riiiiiisssing up and up and uuupp…
if you ever thought about it…wow…

-mmphsh…wha…srry. I…I dozed. Mzhead onkeyboard…didn’t dream anything…thing. Hmmmpph. Ohgodimgonnabesick:
HUUUUAUAGGHHHHH! Kack! Spt. Kcckkkk. Kcck!
Uhhhnnnnnn stomach…all came right up hmmmphh…n’t hurt though, noteven a little…
still so warm… mmmmm…so nice tired…
just nothing…nd else. Everythingisustso…
Just sleep, a while any-drft..ThenmaybeImighmmmm…