By Henry
Have you ever seen a mountain before? The answer is simple: Yes you have.
It is a piece of land that got shot up out of the ground and snow fell
on top of it. But the real question is, “How do I survive in the
mountains?” This is what I hope to answer in this mountain survival
guide. Inside you will learn about how to live off the steep mountain
land, how to dodge an avalanche, and also how to battle the fabled
“mountain man”.
By Henry
Have you ever seen a mountain before? The answer is simple: Yes you have.
It is a piece of land that got shot up out of the ground and snow fell
on top of it. But the real question is, “How do I survive in the
mountains?” This is what I hope to answer in this mountain survival
guide. Inside you will learn about how to live off the steep mountain
land, how to dodge an avalanche, and also how to battle the fabled
“mountain man”.
Part 2 – Jungles
Part 3 – Mountains
Hum dee dum dum, I suppose some of you are just walking along one day
and you see a mountain range in the distance and think “Boy I bet it
would be fun to go over there, just like a trip to Disneyworld.” Well
I’m here to tell you that a trip to the mountains is certainly NOT like
a trip to Disneyworld, or even Disneyland. It is more like a trip to
the county fair: A lot of the activities there might look fun, but they
really are dangerous. Also there are a fair number of shifty-looking
guys with missing fingers and Grizzly Adams beards sitting around
drinking out of jugs in both places too.
![]() |
It’s the Griz! |
Unless are Dr. Doolittle and feel like talking to lions, the only
communication you are going to be doing in the mountains is with
Mountain Men. These men are not like regular men at all; they are more
like a man/sasquatch hybrid. A lot of times people will confuse an
over-the-road trucker for a Mountain Man. This mistake can cost you
your life. Here is a list of things which will help you differentiate a
Trucker from the Common Mountain Man:
Mountain |
Trucker |
Hair |
Long scraggly hair, |
Long |
Clothing |
Loose-fitting |
Loose-fitting |
Belt |
Rope worn as a belt |
Rope |
Eyes |
Cold, beady eyes |
Ditto |
Headgear |
Davey Crockett or muskrat |
Puffy |
Boots |
Fur boots like your |
The |
Nose |
Pockmarked red nose |
Pockmarked |
Bottom Line |
Always, always, |
If |
If you are ever to come across something which even remotely fits the
description of a Mountain Man, don’t take any chances, turn and run
immediately. The traditional methods for scaring off wildlife (loud
noises, throwing items, firing a weapon at them) will have ABSOLUTELY
NO EFFECT on a Mountain Man. His jowls are a bear trap, his powerful
stench can bring down a building, and his skin might as well be made of
stone. His only weakness is his unwillingness to travel more than 600
feet from his still (homemade booze factory). So run as fast and far as
you can in a straight line, eventually the mountain man will break off
the chase and return home for a well-deserved drink.
It’s really scary for me to even write this portion of the guide; my
hands are shaking so much I can barely type. But it is very important
that I get up the courage to tell you what you can do in case the worst
case scenario comes to pass: A fight with a Mountain Man. First let me
say that these tips only apply to a fight with a SINGLE man. If you
happen to somehow be facing two Mountain Men there is no hope for you.
The best thing you can do is drop to your knees and beg for a quick
Video games can provide some very good lessons about a Mountain Man
battle. For example, Zangief from the Street Fighter games is a shaved
and reformed Mountain Man.

Wait, does he have shin hair?! Yeeeeccck. |
Remember that Zangief’s moves mostly involve grabbing you and wrapping
his legs around you in some way, and you can expect the M.M. to do in
the wild also. It’s not a strange sight to see one of them wobbling
towards you while spinning around wildly with his arms outstretched
either. Megaman 1 contains a Mountain Man too: Guts Man.
All he does is sit around in a cave all day, and when someone wanders
in he tosses giant bounders at them. Anyway here’s another chart with
the Mountain Man moves list, and what you should do to counter each.
Move | Counter |
![]() Throws a boulder at you |
Tickle his nose |
![]() Gets you in a bear hug and is squeezing the life out of you |
Preemptive: Take your shirt off and oil yourself up before the fight; slip out of his arms |
![]() Drinks from jug with XXX printed on it |
Throw a rock at the jug and break |
![]() Uproots a large tree and wields it |
Awesome! |
![]() Dances; causing a shower of leaves to rain from the sky |
You might be thinking of Wood Man from Mega Man 2, and anyway those leaves aren’t too |
![]() Pounds the ground causing a small earthquake |
Jump just before he does it (you will see him winding up) |
![]() Runs into the forest; reappears riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex |
T-Rexes have small arms, which means they are unable to pleasure themselves. Think about it. |
That should be enough information to get you through any mountain
survival situation. Remember to have your parents check your candy before you eat it and also shower every day.