Hello friends! Welcome to part 2 of my Q&A special on women. In
this section I will cover some dating and etiquette questions. This
section is for straight men, lesbians, and bisexuals only; nobody else
is allowed to read it.
Hello friends! Welcome to part 2 of my Q&A special on women. In
this section I will cover some dating and etiquette questions. This
section is for straight men, lesbians, and bisexuals only; nobody else
is allowed to read it.
Part 2 – Dating
Q. How would I go about asking a woman out on a date?
A. Come on, just go up and ask her! What are you, chicken or something?
Oh, you are? In that case, just stand with your hands in your pockets
and stare longingly at her from across the room. If she looks in your
direction, quickly look away or pretend to yawn. In an ideal situation,
she will walk over to you and say “I noticed that you
aren’t paying any attention to me, did you want to go out for a
date sometime?” and you’re in!
Q. Where should I take a woman on a date?
A. Depending which decade you
are living in, I would either take her to: The Ball, the soup kitchen,
a speakeasy, a sock hop, a Vietnam War protest, or to see the New Kids
On The Block.

Aaaaaeeeeiiiii!!! (Girls Screaming)
Q. Is it a good idea to open doors for a woman when I’m on a date with her?
A. OK, this is an excellent
question, and my answer goes for all this type of stuff: Opening
restaurant doors, pulling out chairs, opening car doors, and paying the
Women who want you to do these things are just being lazy and cheap.
These grown adult women have spent most of their lives opening their
own doors, pulling out their own chairs, and paying for their own food.
But take one of these ladies out on a date and all of a sudden
she’s a cripple!
Listen sweetie, if you can’t even open a door on your own, then
maybe what we should do is to have your date push you around in a
stroller through a park and then take you to see the polar bears at the
zoo. Alternatively, you could start acting like an adult and pull out
your own damn chair.

Q. “Heeeeey baby!
Whoooooooooooooooo! Daddy likes! Owww!” (I always yell stuff like
this out my car window at hot women who I see on the sidewalk. I rule!)
A. I’m not sure what your
success rate in getting a date this way is, but I suppose it
can’t hurt. I encourage the rest of you to try this. You might
also try throwing crumpled up dollar bills or condoms at the woman as
Q. How can I get a woman to have sex with me?
A. Uhh, well depending on what
you look like, there are a few options. Both men and women can be
divided into classes (listed here in descending order of
attractiveness). Find which class you’re in, and read the personalized advice on how to get some free (for the most part) love:
Tier 1: Demigod |
1. Ask any woman to do anything and she probably will do so within the hour
2. Go about your everyday life, and women will approach and ask YOU to go to bed |
![]() Tier 2: Very Attractive |
1. Date any woman who is Tier 3 or below (This would mean Tiers 3-5) for at least 3 days and then ask her to have sex with you
2. Tell a Tier 2 that you love her and then ask her to “have some fun” with you the next day |
![]() Tier 3: Average |
Same as Tier 2, just move down one Tier for each tactic. |
![]() Tier 4: Ugly |
1. Get married to or date another Tier 4 for at least a year 2. Hire a “lady of the night” 3. Serve your special lady a GHB Cocktail (Illegal; Not recommended) 3. Go for the mystery box (a Tier 5) |
![]() |
Break free of those chains, and then we’ll talk. |
Q. How do I know which Tier I’m in?
A. Don’t play dumb. You
know very well what tier you’re in. If you insist that you
don’t, just try out each of the options I have given you, working
your way up from the Tier 5 tactics. When a tactic doesn’t work,
move down one tier, and that’s your tier.

That’s the end of this section on Dating Women. The next and final
section will cover life with women, this is in case you have
accidentally married one or are just living with one.